Reclaiming power
Reclaiming power is about shifting out of the belief that something outside of us is more powerful. If we awaken to the realization that we've given some or all of our power away, now is the time to reclaim it. Ultimately nothing but good can come from reclaiming our power.
Owning mistakes is a way for us to reclaim our power and integrity. Done skillfully, there is an alchemical process of forgiving oneself and simultaneously remembering who we are. One of the main things that holds us back on our path is not fully owning our mistakes. The path to owning our power is by taking responsibility for our own choices and the natural consequences of those choices.
One may think that being in our power is about speaking our truth but it actually has a lot to do with listening. Our power lies in listening and acknowledging how other people think and feel. Instead of trying to change someone or control the outcome of a situation we can recognize what doesn’t work for us and move on to find what does. When we find our own authentic energy and power, we’ll stop feeling so threatened by how others use theirs.
Daniela Riojas joins us for our 2.0 class to further the discussion on recognizing that being in our power requires us to own and be present in all of our energy centers, not just focusing on the higher chakras. Power is not only expressed as strength it’s also expressed as flow. It’s time to take our power back from connections that always left one feeling confused or emotionally drained. It’s okay to refuse to participate.
Daniela Riojas is a ceremonialist, medicine keeper, an artist and musician as well as a seer and a channel. Her path of service lies not only in communing with Mother Nature, but also undergoing training and initiations with Indigenous elders who have been guiding her in the process of facilitation and healing in ceremonial space. She is in service to the spirits of each medicine, her ancestors, her descendants, and every individual who sits at her altar to commune with and tap into the wisdom that is available to all of us through their guidance.

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