Welcome to the
Psychic Tools for Highly Sensitives, Nervous System Training, and Subtle Body Liberation Templates.
I am grateful for your interest in New Earth Mystery School’s consciousness studies virtual classes.
Our purpose
Our mission is to help Sensitives and Intuitives learn to become more resilient, in tune, awake, aware and emotionally grounded in our home frequencies. We hope to provide an extensive tool kit that opens up access to more clarity, discernment, skillful empathy and the connection that we each have to something greater than ourselves. We provide classes and training so that students can connect with greater community, ask questions, and learn from one another!
Our overall mission is to go with the flow of life from a place that honors each persons unique souls expression. To find the beauty and meaning that is present in all things.We hope to inspire others to experience life with greater awareness of choice and possibility. To bear witness to qualities and divine attributes that are inherent in our nature. To cultivate, grow and nurture the gifts that are just starting to come online. This is a community that was created to facilitate finding what is true for ourselves and awakening to what is unique about our own souls path. We hope to encourage you to find your place in the divine orchestra that surrounds us all, breathes through us, animates us, pours through us and moves us towards ourselves.
Spiritual self-care is both a science and an art. Its roots are ancient, but its techniques continue to evolve and adapt to the conditions of all ages.
Who is it for?
These classes are designed specifically for practitioners, healers, HSPs, or anyone curious about bringing more magic, mysticism, and mystery into their everyday lives. The NEMS virtual classroom is a very relaxed yet rigorous space where you will learn to arrive as your divine Self. My offerings include healing, meditation, and energy work. Participants and members receive a class recording after each call, so they may review the information and re-immerse themselves in this powerful energy work whenever they desire.
Topics we discuss in our community
Subscriptions to one of our recurring membership plans grants you access to all upcoming classes, previous classes, private content, and our beautiful online community. To purchase individual classes or sets for the month please use the ‘Class Library’ link below.
How to access classes
Best Practices
Student Code of Conduct
Semester Schedule
We all arrive in this lifetime with certain programs and ideologies uploaded into our operating systems. However, we are the architects of our own realities, and we are capable of removing and upgrading certain systems that no longer serve us. Rebooting the Simulation is about identifying all of our tethers to the simulation so that we can remove them and establish new connections to organic timelines. Sometimes this can be a simple software update, and other times we may require a full reset and clearing of our entire system. It is important to recognize when each method is most appropriate, and to also understand the impacts and ripple effects of upgrading our operating systems.
For many of us, a total clearing away of the programs we’re accustomed to can bring up feelings of fear or grief. Sometimes our entire relational field will change as a result of our reboot. When we reboot our systems with awareness and intention, we are better able to navigate the fresh starts we are giving ourselves.
Rebooting the Simulation 1.0
Tuesday, December 10th at 10 am PT via Zoom
Rebooting the Simulation 2.0
Thursday, December 19th at 10 am PT via Zoom
As we continue to nourish our energetic practices, many of us will experience spiritual activation, which can manifest as an awakening of spiritual gifts. Sometimes, we can get overwhelmed during this activation if we don’t have the resources to understand and integrate our gifts. Ascension Activation is about learning how to safely stretch our consciousness and assimilate our spiritual abilities into our entire being. This requires us to be grounded and embodied, and to be able to recognize when we are experiencing known adverse side effects. When we accept the reality that spiritual awakenings can be challenging as well as rewarding, we put ourselves in a better position to tend to our mental health. Sometimes we may need to seek outside help, and Ascension Activation is about doing so from a place of empowerment and embodiment.
We can also prepare for spiritual ascension by working with certain energetic structures that resonate deeply with our own energetic bodies and ease our activation. By engaging with plants, gemstones, and sacred sites, we can proactively clear away energetic noise and feel our own energy and gifts more clearly.
Ascension Activation 1.0
Tuesday, November 12th at 10 am PT via Zoom
Ascension Activation 2.0
Tuesday, November 19th at 10 am PT via Zoom
October 2024: BEING A GOOD GUEST
As we embrace more authentic and equitable community-building techniques with our fellow humans, we must also consider how we can elevate our relationship templates with our natural environment. We are guests on Earth, and it’s time for us to move away from a framework of entitlement and towards a more symbiotic relationship with the Earth. This means developing deeper bonds and systems of care for the places we live and visit. When we are being good guests, we are aware of our impacts on a space and contribute to the upkeep, health, and wellbeing of the place we are occupying. This means committing to a culture of reciprocity over extraction in which we consider what we can give to a place, more than we consider what we can take.
Being a Good Guest is about developing etiquette for our interactions on Earth and supporting local land stewardship in all the places we occupy. It is an invitation for us to be mindful and intentional about how, when, and why we choose to travel or live in certain communities. This means acknowledging how capitalism and imperialism have strained our relationships with Indigenous ecosystems, and committing to being in Right Relationships with these communities moving forward.
Being a Good Guest 1.0
Tuesday, October 8th at 10 am PT via Zoom
Being a Good Guest 2.0
Thursday, October 17th at 10 am PT via Zoom
September 2024: TRUE NETWORKING
Many of us have never resonated with relationship templates that rely on exploitation and opportunism. As we look to move deeper into authentic community building, True Networking reminds us to look towards the various symbiotic relationships in nature so that we may honor each other for more than our labor. When we model our ways of relating after the mycelial and tree networks, we are able to ask for what we need while simultaneously remembering that it’s not just about us. We are able to recognize that there are different ways we can connect meaningfully with others that don’t require everyone to always agree or pursue friendships.
As the collective is leaning more into liberation and justice work, it becomes even more important to remove any limitations to healthy engagement so that we can skillfully resource ourselves and our communities. True Networking is also about creating an extended ecosystem that recognizes that everyone has different roles within liberation movements. Within this framework, we can provide avenues for people to participate in movement work authentically while honoring the health and well-being of all beings.
True Networking 1.0
Tuesday, September 10th at 10 am PT via Zoom
True Networking 2.0
Tuesday, September 24th at 10 am PT via Zoom
The history of humanity contains many instances of abuse of spiritual and technological power, and it’s time for us to end these patterns. These past misuses of power had significant impacts on not just the Earth, but our greater galactic community. As we enter this current cycle we must learn from these past mistakes so that we can embrace the opportunity to Spiritually Grow Up. This requires us to connect and resource into our star family and relatives that went through these same trials on their own evolutionary journey.
Spiritually Growing Up is also about recognizing that everyone is at different places on the path. Some are awakening this lifetime and some are not. We can consider how we might want to relate to those who are not waking up and recognizing how we are creating harm to our planet by imaging how other more evolved beings relate to us and our mistakes. For those of us who are called to awaken in this lifetime, there will be certain benchmarks that need to be met to demonstrate that we have evolved and are making progress. We must end old karmic cycles so that we can remain pure in our hearts. We must embrace a cosmology that respects all forms of life.
Spiritually Growing Up 1.0
Tuesday, August 10th at 10 am PT via Zoom
Spiritually Growing Up 2.0
Thursday, August 20th at 10 am PT via Zoom
July 2024: DOWN TO EARTH
We all have an innate connection to the Earth, and when we intentionally nurture this connection, we can develop inner strength, peace, and stability. For those of us who are Starseeds, it is important for us to become more skillful in noticing when we are uprooted so we can take the appropriate steps to ground. If we are only operating within the ethereal or higher energies, we can become unrelatable to others and disconnected from our roots. Down to Earth reminds us that staying grounded is really about becoming more human and skillfully occupying all the ranges of energy. When we are Down to Earth, we are able to raise our consciousness while simultaneously developing deeper root systems.
The Earth provides many templates for root systems that can help keep us grounded in different settings and contexts. We can improve our capacity to ground by being intentional with our diet and lifestyle and honoring the wisdom of the body, which comes from the Earth. This ultimately supports our ability to attune to the land, connect to the Earth Akashic, and deepen our Earth Clairvoyance.
Down to Earth 1.0
Pre-recording released Tuesday, July 2nd
Down to Earth 2.0
Pre-recording released Tuesday, July 9th
In today’s society, resilience often equates to pushing ourselves beyond our boundaries, limits, and capacity. It reinforces the unhealthy pattern of ignoring the subtle ways that our body communicates its discomfort to us. It encourages thinking versus feeling our real feelings. Rooted in the misuse of willpower, it ultimately leaves us feeling exhausted, overstimulated, and disconnected from our bodies. Reframing Resilience invites us to recognize and honor our individual capacity while also simultaneously building more internal resources and capacity. It aligns us with our inherent ability to grow more emotional muscle strength and to develop more tools for staying self-regulated.
Many of us are operating within a narrow window of tolerance due to trauma, adversity and unprocessed stress that is stored in the body. This combination can make it difficult for us to stay grounded and regulate our emotions. By reframing resilience, we understand the mechanics of what it actually takes to expand our Window of Tolerance. We can therefore give ourselves more permission to find what a healthy stretch is. We are more comfortable discerning the sensations between self-harm and organic growth. We get to engage more deeply with somatic awareness and honor the sacredness of our multidimensional bodies.
Reframing Resilience 1.0
Thursday, June 6th at 10AM PST via Zoom
Reframing Resilience 2.0
Tuesday, June 11th at 10AM PST via Zoom
It’s time to reclaim our gifts and embrace our power. Owning Your Level is here to remind us that we each have a unique set of gifts and skills that we’ve cultivated, in this lifetime and
others, that are ready to be activated and support us in stepping fully into our life’s path.
For many of us, we have spent years or even lifetimes diminishing our light and hiding from the fullness of our connection to the Source. Oftentimes, we’ve held back our knowledge or sought to make others an authority over our own inner wisdom. We often do this attempt to avoid the discomfort of others or to maintain a sense of belonging. But ultimately it is at the expense of ourselves. The invitation here is to release these patterns and with it we let go of inauthentic power dynamics, false hierarchies, and needing others to validate the authority we possess.
When we own our level, we give ourselves permission to stand confidently in our presence while honoring our souls' divine contribution to the world.
Owning Your Level 1.0
Thursday, May 9th at 10AM PST via Zoom
Owning Your Level 2.0
Tuesday, May 21st at 10AM PST via Zoom
When we allow ourselves to feel our true feelings, what we are really doing is coming into a deeper relationship with ourselves and the divine intelligence that lives within.
In a world that prioritizes logic and reason over feelings and embodied knowing, many of us have been conditioned to disconnect from and disregard the depth of wisdom that our feelings and emotional experiences offer us on a moment to moment basis.
Feeling our feelings invites us to accept the truth of our experience. It also means that we must be present in our bodies and available to sit with the sensations that our feelings bring forth. This starts with tending to our nervous systems. For those of us that are highly sensitive, hopping out of the present moment and connecting only to the mind is one way that we learned to cope with the discomfort of our realities.
When we spend much of our time occupied by our thinking body, we can either become swept up in a loop of endless thoughts that often keeps us stuck in a state of stagnation, confusion and fear or use our thoughts as a mechanism to temporarily calm our nervous systems by creating fantasies that are incongruent with the reality of what is.
Feeling vs Thinking is about slowing down, regulating our nervous systems in an embodied way so that we can expand our capacity to feel the fullness of our feelings and allow our emotional experiences and bodily wisdom to guide us. Asking ourselves, how am I feeling instead of what am I thinking is the stepping stone that will lead us to our deepest truth in any given moment.
Feeling vs Thinking 1.0
Thursday, April 11th at 10AM PST via Zoom
Feeling vs Thinking 2.0
Tuesday, April 23rd at 10AM PST via Zoom
Being the Change starts from within. Before we can effect change outwardly, we must first tend to the changes that are being asked to unfold within our innerworld.
How are we showing up? How are we relating to others? How are we meeting each moment? Being the change is about becoming the energy that is needed and most supportive in our everyday lives. In this way, life is inviting us to become the energetic embodiment of the very change we wish to see in the world around us.
By releasing the belief that the work of change is solely outside of ourselves, we step out of patterns of blame and reactionary tendencies. Digging deep within ourselves to heal and transform the parts of us that also operate within the same level of unconsciousness and energetic dynamics that give way to the distortion and destruction we see contributing to the collective suffering. Through this inner work, we begin to radiate the energy that is the antidote to all that we seek to change.
Being the Change is a necessary step for those of us who are devoted to being in service to the divine plan and honoring the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global family. When we own what is ours and allow ourselves to be in relationship with life in a way that we are transformed by all that we witness, we become a part of the solution. By doing the work on a local level, we create the shift that will impact the global level.
Being the Change 1.0
Thursday, March 7th at 2PM PST via Zoom
Being the Change 2.0
Thursday, March 21st at 2PM PST via Zoom
February 2024: SACRED WITNESS
The work of the awakened ones right now is the role of the Sacred Witness. This requires us to use everything we see to crack open our heart and help us become more deeply human. By not turning away from any of it, we may avoid both distorted extremes of disembodied activism or love and light spirituality.
When we ‘hold energetic space’ for others, we agree to support them in creating a safe container to do the work, to allow them to transmute whatever comes up. We support them by being the sacred witness but allow them to have full agency in their own healing. We can also say, how can I support you or what do you need right now. Rather than reacting, we learn to stay present as the sacred witness. This is what holding space is. We create a safe container for our loved ones to transform emotional energy without imposing any agenda.
Sacred Witness 1.0
Thursday, February 8th at 10AM PST via Zoom
Sacred Witness 2.0
Tuesday, February 20th at 10AM PST via Zoom
January 2024: THE CLARION CALL
The Clarion Call is all about awakening and remembering our role. Do you hear the call beckoning us to tune into why we came here? We can have all kinds of gifts mastered in other lifetimes yet in this lifetime we could still face resistance to fulfilling our calling.
It's time to take inventory of how we are truly involved with creating a better world. We may find ourselves beginning to ask why we would have said yes to certain roles. Every thought, deed, action, intention, belief, and behavior matters. Along with every excuse, justification or reason for missing the mark. Being honest, even though it is uncomfortable, allows for truth to be revealed.
When stepping into our role many people believe the work of change is solely "out there". That is a convenient excuse to ignore our own failures, ignorance, prejudice, hatred and to not look at how we are feeding and contributing to the forces and energies that are insatiable for power, war and destruction.
We will tune into how we may safely gain access to our role here in this lifetime as we wake up our abilities that are here to support our path forward. We go over what it means to be a volunteer soul, updating our agreements with the Earth while deconstructing the old system or building the new that will be born.
We don't need permission to follow our calling. We are at the point in the timeline where we are pioneering new ways and moving the cause forward with diverse, unique, radical approaches and visions that align with our own gifts.
Ready to join us?
What we decide to take depends on what our energy calls for in each moment and what our bandwidth can manage at that time.