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Creative Play

Honoring Sacred Expression with Keyholder Kimmi DucasseĀ 

This container is a creative incubator for exploring our Inner Landscape & Expressiveness, while activating our Creativity. This is a Co-Creative process of Play, where weā€™ll be in discussion, use our tools, make drawings, and invite other forms of creative expression, in order to validate our visions and open up to new possibilities. No creative experience is needed.


With Keyholder Vanessa Dayberry

In this intuitive writing expression, we are getting into our Letter Writing Flow. We will talk about this monthā€™s theme, the tools weā€™ve utilized or not utilized thus far, and check in with ourselves in community. We will then shift into our letter writing exercise, 15-20 minutes of devoted time to expressing ourselves on paper, pulling from our emotional and mental bodies and allowing more flow into our energy bodies. This container will open and close with an energy healing.



With Keyholder Gwyn Hill

For this container, we will work with the essenceā€”the main componentsā€”of a book club. We will decide on something to read for the following month, engage with the chosen text on our own over the course of the month, and then gather for discussion. Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction are all welcome; however texts will be very shortā€”no more than a few pages in length.


With Keyholder Arielle Yoon

Come to learn more about and practice dream interpretation while hanging out with our NEMS community. Think sleepover vibe with the friends you always wanted - ones that are interested in spiritually dissecting your dream from last night. We will be incorporating learning about dream symbolism, break out groups, group shares, group dream interpretation, and energy work.