Right relationship and the law of reciprocity


Being in right relationship starts with being in right relationship with ourselves. We do this by balancing being intentional, answering the call and being in right relationship with energy exchange. By becoming our own nature, we absorb the divine blueprint in each of us. This blueprint cannot be corrupt or distorted, and when we emanate from this place we operate from beauty, vitality and joy. 

Our ability to connect with others is in direct relation to how connected we are to ourselves. The right relationships for us won't drain our energy. For highly sensitives everything we do is a practice in boundaries. We flourish through mutual exchange. It is a subtle dance in which people touch our souls in a very gratifying way through resonance, attunement, harmony and collaboration.

As we return to our home frequency, and respect our blueprint the universe begins to show us the truth of Right Relation and The Law of Reciprocity. By communing with Nature we remember the blessings of divine reciprocity and balanced energy exchange. To witness things emanating their divine nature, one can see an inherent harmony that we experience. The law of reciprocity states that all transmissions of energy result in a return of energy in like kind. The universe responds to our vibration.

Dr. Jacqui of Xalish Medicines joins us in our 2.0 class where we discuss how being relational is about returning humanity to its right place in the universe. Xálish Medicines weaves the Spirit of Plant Medicine & Ancestral Reverence into each offering to bring us back into good relation with our Plant kin & all of Creation. 

Humility comes from the Latin word humilitas or humilis, which means “grounded” or “from the earth”. Humility starts with being in right relationship with Nature. When we communicate with nature we are communicating with the living consciousness. Being in right relationship deepens when we acknowledge the agreements we have with them to collaborate. This is a life path that requires commitment, dedication, integrity and the willingness to learn and grow.


Right relationship And the law of reciprocity


Being in right relationship starts with being in right relationship with ourselves. We do this by balancing being intentional, answering the call and being in right relationship with energy exchange. By becoming our own nature, we absorb the divine blueprint in each of us. This blueprint cannot be corrupt or distorted, and when we emanate from this place we operate from beauty, vitality and joy. 

Our ability to connect with others is in direct relation to how connected we are to ourselves. The right relationships for us won't drain our energy. For highly sensitives everything we do is a practice in boundaries. We flourish through mutual exchange. It is a subtle dance in which people touch our souls in a very gratifying way through resonance, attunement, harmony and collaboration.

As we return to our home frequency, and respect our blueprint the universe begins to show us the truth of Right Relationship and The Law of Reciprocity. By communing with Nature we remember the blessings of divine reciprocity and balanced energy exchange. To witness things emanating their divine nature, one can see an inherent harmony that we experience. The law of reciprocity states that all transmissions of energy result in a return of energy in like kind. The universe responds to our vibration.


Dr. Jacqui of Xalish Medicines joins us in our 2.0 class where we discuss how being relational is about returning humanity to its right place in the universe. Xálish Medicines weaves the Spirit of Plant Medicine & Ancestral Reverence into each offering to bring us back into good relation with our Plant kin & all of Creation.

Humility comes from the Latin word humilitas or humilis, which means “grounded” or “from the earth”. Humility starts with being in right relationship with Nature. When we communicate with nature we are communicating with the living consciousness. Being in right relationship deepens when we acknowledge the agreements we have with them to collaborate. This is a life path that requires commitment, dedication, integrity and the willingness to learn and grow.

Right Relationship and the law of reciprocity 1.0



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